From HT To Radio Rig, 11 Unlicensed Telecommunication Devices Were Destroyed By Balmon Samarinda

JAKARTA - The Samarinda Class I Radio Frequency Monitoring Center (Balmon) destroyed 11 telecommunications equipment that violated the rules and did not have a permit.

The device that was destroyed was the result of Controlling Radio Frequency Spectrum for the 2011, 2016, and 2023 periods in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim). The destruction activity of several FM radio units, Radio HT, Radio Rig was carried out in the yard of the Samarinda Class I Balmon Office, Tuesday, October 3.

The head of Balmon Samarinda, Warko, said this action was concrete evidence of Balmon's commitment to seriously supervise and control the radio spectrum.

"We are trying hard to take action against users who violate it, as a tangible form of Balmon carrying out the role according to the mandate of the law," he said, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the destruction of this telecommunications tool was also carried out as a preventive measure to provide a deterrent effect on violators or misuse of illegal radio spectrum.

"We hope that with this firm action, the perpetrators of the violation will feel punished and think twice before violating the rules again," he explained.

Furthermore, Warko explained that in the Job Creation Act, there were administrative sanctions and persuasive guidance as the first step in enforcing the rules. However, if violations continue, criminal acts will be taken as firm steps.

"We hope that the destruction of this evidence can have a positive impact in maintaining the discipline of using radio spectrum in the community," said Warko.

In the current era of digitalization, radio spectrum has become a very valuable asset. The telecommunications system has entered the radio spectrum and the use of communication tools is something that cannot be separated from everyday life.

Therefore, Balmon felt the need to keep the radio spectrum from being disturbed, because this disturbance could have a negative impact on the smooth running of communication in various sectors.

Warko also emphasized the importance of public awareness to participate in maintaining the use of radio spectrum in accordance with the rules.

This extermination is expected to be a serious message for the community and telecommunications business actors to comply with applicable regulations, as well as invite all parties to contribute to maintaining the smooth running of communication in this digital era.

"We must jointly maintain this radio spectrum because the number is limited and cannot be added. Regulations in the use of radio frequencies are needed so that communication remains smooth and not disrupted," he explained.

This activity was also attended by relevant agencies including the Head of Balmon Class I Samarinda, the Directorate of SDPPI Control, PPNS Balmon Samarinda, Korwas PPNS Ditreskrimsus Polda Kaltim, representatives of Diskominfo Kaltim, and KPID Kaltim.