7 Signs of People Who Have a Strong Mentality, They Are Resilient and Skilled at Dealing with Problems

YOGYAKARTA – Mentally strong people apparently have resilience in overcoming problems. They also often learn valuable lessons, emotional maturity, and high adaptability. Check the following signs of someone who has a strong mentality and can recover from failure.
1. Face challenges and reality as it is
People who have mental resilience will study facts, research, and input from professionals and loved ones. Please note, those who are mentally strong do not change history or reality. But them facing reality involves planning and seeing the situation clearly. That way, they are better prepared to face whatever consequences occur in their lives.
2. Accept the consequences of their choices
They are responsible for their actions and the impact of decisions taken. It was a sign of someone who was mentally strong. Besides that, being mentally strong does not ignore the pain as a result. They actually do not take the role of “victim” but love themselves during difficult times. This means that they know the best thing to do in any situation.

3. Have the ability to self-monitor
Citing a review by clinical psychotherapist Tracy S. Hutchinson, Ph.D. published in Psychology Today, Monday, October 2, self-monitoring means being aware of your behavior, feelings and thoughts. Apart from being proactive in dealing with problems, those who are mentally strong are also responsible for their actions so that they do not have a negative impact on other people.
4. Ability to self-correct
If you are a mentally strong person, this means you adapt your response to situations to produce positive consequences. Because you learn from mistakes, they result in more positive than negative consequences. Furthermore, mentally strong people are reliable and consistent in responding to their limitations.
5. Make sense of past wounds and experiences
Making sense of past wounds and experiences spiritually is the key to resilience. Mentally strong people often try to use their experiences of struggle and pain to help others. That is why it is important to interpret wounds and bad experiences from the past spiritually.

6. Feelings refer to something real
Feelings that refer to something real are called affective realism. Affective realism bases reality on how a person “feels” about events in the world. This mindset, according to Hutchinson, means that emotions do not distract or influence a person's way of determining reality. This does not mean that emotions and feelings are ignored, but that they have emotional maturity and mental resilience.
7. Face the past without getting into trouble
Many people face the past and weigh themselves down with negative emotions. But mentally strong people can recognize and deal with past events. Hutchinson explains, symptoms of “buried” emotions or trauma can include overeating, eating disorders, alcohol or drug use, compulsive behavior, and other problematic behaviors.
Mentally strong people will seek professional help if they cannot overcome their problems. They may also look for other ways to metabolize pain. For example, by seeking healing through self-care, connecting with people you trust, or keeping a daily journal.