This Is The Strategy Of Geber's ESDM Target For Clean Zero Emissions
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana revealed the government's strategy in accelerating the net zero emission target.
One of the strategies is to revise the National Energy Policy (KEN) together with the National Energy Council (DEN).
"The revision of KEN is to answer and draw up what steps are needed so that we can carry out NZE targets together while still paying attention to the principles that (KEN revision) does not interfere with the ongoing development," said Dadan, quoted on Saturday, September 30.
He added that another strategy was that last year the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources had made the stages of pursuing NZE which are contained in the energy transition roadmap, in which there are efforts that will be made to accelerate NZE by 2060.
The third strategy is to encourage the use of the improvement of New Renewable Energy (EBT)-based power generation as a source of power generation, as well as by carrying out energy efficiency.
"This is what we continue to encourage together with PLN specifically, for electricity generation we have RUPTL at PLN which focuses on increasing the use of renewable energy," added Dadan.
Dadan added, with the EBT-based generator he believes that by 2060 he will become the main power plant and be able to meet the projected national electricity needs of 600-700 giga watt (GW), replacing fossil-based power plants.
"Our EBT potential can be 4-5 times more than electricity needs, because Indonesia has various types of EBT sources and their types are spread throughout Indonesia, not many countries have like this," Dadan explained.
However, Dadan emphasized that the strategy for utilizing the increase in EBT is a long-term effort and cannot be seen in terms of the many EBT generators built, but must also move the wheels of the economy and the industrial side, as well as by encouraging from the human resource side to be able to manage existing plants.
"We don't want this EBT generator to be imported, but we want this to be something that is integrated in the country, this effort is not expected to be seen in the next 1-2 years, and we have very good time to draw up because this inclusive principle must provide benefits to all parties," concluded Dadan.