Capai Kedaulatan Pangan, Ganjar Singgung Soal Pemanfaatan Teknologi

JAKARTA - Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo said the use of technology could be a determining factor in success in overcoming problems to achieving food sovereignty.

This was conveyed by Ganjar in his speech at the IV PDI Perjuangan National Working Meeting (Rakernas) in Jiexpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Friday, September 29.

According to Ganjar, food sovereignty can be done by utilizing sorghum as a substitute for wheat. Because he said, Indonesia is very rich in sorghum so it must be utilized. In addition, there is also no uniformity of foodstuffs.

"Let those who eat papeda eat, eat papada. Let those who eat try to keep eating tawul. And those who eat rice too, eat rice. Because sorghum can also be a source of food. Let it be. That's why food sources are very varied, which we have. Other countries don't own that. Let it," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said, all parties must admit that times have changed. However, he said, all must also be able to adjust changes to take advantage of technology in the interests of food sovereignty.

"Therefore, times have changed, generations have changed, and we cannot expect to be independent of this food without us making major changes in terms of technology. From the modification of weather, climate field schools are important when we can do this practice," he said.

"And the other basic key is one data. So one Indonesia data will be our main reference in determining policies, including in our food politics," he added.

Ganjar assessed that the government must also ensure incentive assistance to support the food sovereignty.

"We must ensure that incentive assistance, seeds, fertilizers, fisheries facilities, captures, cultivation must be distributed on target," he said.

He said the basic thing for the welfare of little people is through food and food, nothing else.

"Of course later, many variants will be of support, because this is the main thing. If we can improve the food sector for the welfare of the people, then we will be able to bring Indonesia to be more victorious, and earlier the message was to be more independent and sovereign," said Ganjar.

For information, the National Working Meeting IV was held for three days from September 29 to October 1, 2023 at JiExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta.

The PDIP National Working Meeting this time carries the theme "Food Sovereignty for the Welfare of the Indonesian People" with the theme 'Pangan as an Emblem for the Predemic of Indonesian Leadership for the World".