5 Perpetrators Of Sindikat Calo Forgery Of PPBD Family Cards In Bogor Detained By Police

Bogor City Police detained five people suspected of being the perpetrators of the child identity forgery syndicate on a family card (KK) to outsmart the zoning distance of the first high school (SMP) and the nearest high school (SMA) for registration of new students (PPDB) in July 2023 in the Bogor City area, West Java.

"The Bogor City Police have examined a number of witnesses and evidence, then narrowed down on the investigation that now there are five people who have become suspects and we have detained them," said Bogor Police Chief Kombes Bismo as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 29. Bismo explained that the suspects made and used fake family cards, which served and offered parents who wanted their children to attend certain junior high and high school, but did not meet the domicile requirements.

"Of the five suspects, there were those who carried out a series of forgerys together and some were not carried out together," he said. He mentioned the five suspects, namely SR (45) who acted as those who offered parents to make their child's address as a prospective junior high school student who was intended according to the zoning requirements at a rate of Rp. 13.5 million. Then, he said, SR worked in a chain with a fake KK-making broker with the initials MR (40), AS (45), BS (52) and RS who are currently suspects as well. He said MR played a role in finding a KK whose home address is close to the school to be sent to BS, with the intention and the aim that BS could insert the name of a prospective student who registered PPDB Zoning Paths into the family card. In addition, he said, MR's KK which is located at Jalan Selot number 02 RT003/008 Paledang Village, Central Bogor District, Bogor City was also used to receive children who were riding, even though the actual address was the Bogor City 4 Police SDN. AS as the owner of the family card inserted for the child who would register on the zoning route as another family and gain a profit of Rp. 300 thousand per child with a total of four children who entered the address on Jalan Selot number 13 Kelurahan Paledang, Bogor Tengah District, Bogor City, when in fact the address was the At-Taqwa Mosque.

Untuk peran yang sudah dilakukannya, kata Bismo, MR mendapat keuntungan sebesar Rp300 ribu per satu KK. Tersangka tersebut telah melakukan kegiatan tersebut sebanyak 40 kali pada PPBD 2023.

"From the KK obtained by the two people, SR continued the process to BS which played a role in modifying KK belonging to other people in inserting the names of prospective junior high school students in Bogor City in accordance with the requirements for PPBD zoning distance," he said.

He said BS received a tariff of Rp. 1.5 million to Rp. 3 million and he had done this 50 times. Furthermore, because the new KK made by BS for the year was not in accordance with PPBD requirements, namely under one year, then SR on the recommendation of BS falsified the date for making KK to be more than one year for the suspect RS.

"The hospital has changed the date of issuance of the KK, which is inserted with the identity of prospective junior high or high school students who are intended to be postponed because to meet the requirements, there has been at least one year. The hospital has also changed the barcode for the signature of the Head of Disdukcapil," he said.

The RS suspect scanned the family card issued one year ago, at that time the head of the Population and Civil Registration service was held by Sujatmiko Biliarto. After the engineered KK, the suspect then sent it back in pdf format to BS.

Since the beginning, the suspect asked for a fee of Rp. 7 million and has done it seven times.

Then, he said, after all the processes were completed, SR uploaded the fake KK on the link for accepting the zoning system or PPDB SMP in Bogor City with the results of the prospective student acceptable.

However, said Bismo, after being re-verified by the Bogor City PPBD field verification special team together with the Bogor City Police, the KK was not recorded in the SIAK Disdukcapil data in Bogor City.

From the fraudulent business of PPDB through KK forgery, said Bismo, the suspects are suspected of having passed tens or even hundreds of junior high school students cheating, who until now have continued to attend school as a result of their fraud.

The local police have secured evidence of fake KKs, statements from the suspects and document storage media. Four suspects, namely SR, MR, BS, RS were charged with violations jointly ordering to place false information into an authentic deed or making fake letters as referred to in Article 266 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code subsidiary Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

Specifically for the US, said Bismo, criminal acts are imposed to help commit the crime of ordering to place false information into an authentic deed or make a fake letter as referred to in Article 266 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code jo. Article 56 of the Criminal Code subsidiary Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code jo. Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

"The threat to them is Article 266 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 7 years and Article 263 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 6 years. We are currently developing this case to the above level. Meanwhile, we have secured five people," said Bismo.