Riau Islands Provincial Government Speeds Up Construction Of 3 New Ports, Dishub Asked To Supervise Target Pursuit
RIAU - Riau Islands Provincial Government (Pemprov) is speeding up the construction of three local ports with a total budget of around Rp. 38 billion.
The three are Penagi Port, Natuna Regency; Kuala Maras Port, Anambas Islands; and Selat Beliah Port, Karimun Regency.
"The three ports will continue to be rushed to completion by the end of this year and can be used immediately. We have asked the Riau Islands Transportation Agency to continue to control the progress of the work on these projects so that they are completed on time," said Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad in Tanjungpinang, Saturday, September 24, quoted by Antara.
Ansar said the construction of the port aims to support the ease of access to transportation in order to increase the regional economy. Moreover, Riau Islands as an area with a geographical 96 percent sea, the main means of transportation are of course marine transportation-based.
"That's why we continue to encourage improvements in infrastructure development to support sea transportation in Riau Islands such as ports and HDPE, so that access to people, vehicles and goods is easier than one island to another," said Ansar.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Riau Islands Provincial Transportation Agency, Junaidi, said that apart from the construction of the port, in 2023 the floating dock was also installed made from HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) in a number of locations. Among them are Pantai Indah Kijang, in Tarempa and Pol Airud Tanjungpinang.
His party is also working on the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ELTE) which is a technology for recording violations in traffic electronically. This program is a Riau Islands Province grant assistance for the Police.
"This implementation is carried out to improve the order, security, and safety of motorists while on the streets," said Junaidi.
Then, Junaidi continued, the government is also working on a project to procure 11 units of electric rickshaw transportation facilities to operate on Penangkat Island, Tanjungpinang, which is targeted for completion by the end of this year.
"We continue to strive to improve access to existing transportation in all regions, as a means to assist the police in efforts to regulate road traffic to be more effective," said Junaidi.