SMKN Kalianget Sealed By Land Owners, Sumenep Regency Government Prepares Compensation Of IDR 2.7 Billion

SUMENEP - The Sumenep Regency Government (Pemkab) provides a budget of more than IDR 2.7 billion to pay SMKN 1 Kalianget land compensation which is now sealed by the land owner.

"The amount of compensation money is in accordance with the decision of the 2005 District Court and the money is now ready to be handed over to the heirs of the land owner," said Head of the Legal Section of the Sumenep Regency Government, Hezbul Wathan in a press statement, Sunday, September 24, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that the case of dispute over educational land occupied by SMKN 1 Kalianget in Sumenep, had indeed been prosecuted at the Sumenep District Court.

At that time, the Sumenep District Court decided that the land was indeed in the name of the citizens' personal property, not state assets. Therefore, PN ordered the district government through the Sumenep Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) to provide compensation to land owners, which amounted to Rp. 2.7 billion.

"The amount of compensation refers to the selling price of land per square meter, which is Rp. 100,000," he said.

However, continued Wathan, in the next development, the land voter occupied by SMK Negeri 1 Kalianget, Sumenep refused the compensation money given to the person concerned and sealed SMK Negeri 1 Kalianget.

According to the Legal Advisor to the land owner Mohammad Arifin, the person concerned refused compensation money from the Sumenep Regency Government amounting to Rp2.7 billion, because the price of the land in 2005, while at this time, changed.

"If the land compensation is paid when the court's decision is determined, the land owner accepts it. But now it is 2023, and the Sumenep Regency Government still pays at a price in 2005," he said.

Therefore, continued Arifin, his client chose not to receive the compensation money and chose to close the school which was built on the residents' personal land.

The sealing of SMKN 1 Kalimanget was carried out by the heirs of Ach Dahlan on Sunday 17 September and until Saturday 23 September still ongoing.

The sealing was in the form of closing the school fence and installing two span banners that read "Prohibited From Entering Without Permits for Land Owners". The second banner reads, "I apologize to the younger students for being disturbed by studying at this school. It is forbidden to break the seal and carry out any activity on the school land belonging to the late Drs. H. Ach. Dahlan, MSi. We have been patient enough to be persecuted since 1996 until now without getting any compensation for one rupiah".

As a result of the sealing, hundreds of students and teachers were unable to enter the school. The teaching and learning activity process was finally carried out online, while waiting for the negotiation process between the Sumenep Regency Government and the land owner.