Minister Of National Development Planning/Head Of Bappenas Inaugurates Limboto Gorontalo Modern Market
GORONTALO - Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa inaugurated the Limboto Modern Market, in Gorontalo Regency.
The market with a semi mall model located on Jl Baso Bobihoe, Limboto, Gorontalo Regency, was built by the Gorontalo Regency Government through a National Economic Recovery (PEN) fund worth IDR 56.6 billion.
"Alhamdulillah, we already have this, I am also happy. Coincidentally, I am from the cabinet of ministers who participated in ensuring the PEN program, because at that time we were facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the allocation was varied," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, September 23.
Suharso admitted that the government also provided assistance for recovery in the health sector, the social sector, business intensive in the form of taxes borne by the government and so on.
According to him, the PEN budget that has been disbursed by the central government as of 2021 is around IDR 37.2 trillion.
The budget is divided into 92 regions in Indonesia, both provinces and regencies/cities. For Gorontalo Province, which managed to get PEN, namely the Gorontalo Provincial Government, North Gorontalo Regency Government and Gorontalo Regency.
"This means that we are trying to finance development through non-tax instruments. Therefore, the use of this PEN Fund must be appropriate, in accordance with the level of urgency, in accordance with the economy, precisely with calculations, finances and also based on regional fiscal certainty," he said.
Suharso hopes that the market development financed through the PEN budget can be maintained as well as possible. The public is asked to have a good attitude of maintaining and maintaining regional assets.
"Because this is financed with the efforts of the central government and there is understanding with local governments. When reviewed it can be proven, and can be fulfilled, the PEN budget for the development of this modern market will be launched," he said.