Virly Virginia, Talent Porn Film Production House Completes Investigation At Polda Metro
JAKARTA - Virly Virginia, one of the talents from the porn film production house, met an inspection call at Polda Metro Jaya, today.
Today's inspection is a rescheduling. Because, previously, from the 16 litets sent a summons, none of them attended.
Virly Virginia appeared to be wearing a white blazer and black pants when he arrived at Polda Metro Jaya. He came not alone. Seen two people accompanying him.
He did not make many statements. Virly Virginia only said it was ready to provide information about the case of the production house.
"Iya siap (menjalani pemeriksaan). Nanti agar ada klarifikasi ya," kata Virly, Selasa, 19 September.
Virly Virginia is one of a dozen talents in collaboration with porn film production houses.
Originally, there were 15 other talents, namely Siskaeee, CN, SE, E, BLI, M, MGP, S, J, ZS, and AB. Meanwhile, there are also five male characters known. They have the initials BP, P, UR, AG (AD), and RA.
The examination of the talents was allegedly in order to find out whether or not there was a criminal element being carried out. This is because the Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, had said that it was possible for the talents to move up their status as suspects.
However, regarding this matter, we must wait for the results of the examination of those who will then hold a case.
"We will wait for the results of the examination of the person concerned. After that, we will hold a case to determine the suspect through at least 2 pieces of evidence that have been obtained by investigators," he said.
The opening of the opportunity for the determination of the new suspect is related to Article 88 of Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography.