How To Target Buyers For Exports To Successfully Break Through The Global Market

YOGYAKARTA - Many businessmen in Indonesia want to market their goods globally to increase sales and reach a wider market. Many have asked how to find buyers for exports. Not a few businessmen are hesitant or worried that their products will not sell well.

Looking for buyers abroad for export activities is an important step that business people need to pay attention to. Without buyers, your sales activities will not run smoothly even though good quality products and have taken care of all legality. To be able to successfully penetrate the overseas market, business people need to know how to find buyers for exports.

Markets abroad are lucrative pools for business people or MSMEs to sell their products. It is proven that many products from Indonesia have sold well abroad.

In addition to paying attention to product quality and marketing strategies, as a businessman who wants to go global, you also need to know how to find buyers for exports.

One of the most effective ways to find buyers for exports is by participating in international trade fairs. When opening a stand in the trade expo, business people have the opportunity to meet, communicate, and interact directly with potential buyers.

This activity can strengthen trust between the two parties, namely sellers and buyers. In addition, buyers can also directly observe or see the products offered, so they can assess their quality.

To be able to participate in international trade expos, business people need to actively seek related information both online and offline. For example, by monitoring the website or social media accounts of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

The Indonesian government continues to encourage the export business sector by forming two institutions, namely the Export Human Resources and Trade Services Training Center (PPEJP) and the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC).

The two institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade routinely organize export-related training and seminars, ranging from procedures, documents, customs cleaning processes, shipping of goods, to export payments. In addition to sharing knowledge about exports, this training and seminar also provides information and useful tips for business people to find export buyers more efficiently.

PPEJP and ITPC also often hold business exhibitions that connect domestic exporters with importers from abroad. By actively following the information provided by these two institutions, business people have the opportunity to find export buyers.

As a businessman who carries out export activities, you also need to actively develop products in the global market. One strategy that can be implemented is to open an online store on an international business platform (B2B). By displaying products in the marketplace, your products can reach the international audience that is targeted.

There are many international marketplaces that business people can choose to market their products, such as,,, and so on. Generally these platforms charge a variety of costs with different payment systems. But there are also marketplaces that provide services for free, such as Flipkart and Pruugo.

Website is also one of the platforms that businesses can use to find buyers from abroad. Website not only functions as a representation of the company's profile, but also shows business services and related information.

You should create a website that is English to adjust to the audience's target, namely international buyers. There is no need to make website designs that are too complicated. The most important thing is the clarity of information delivery on the website, ranging from brand or company profiles, descriptions and specifications of superior products, and others.

That's a review of how to find buyers for exports. If you plan to do the export business, then apply a number of the strategies above so that you can get buyers from abroad so that your product sales can run smoothly and increase.

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