Tips for Maintaining Vehicle Tires So They Last Longer

JAKARTA - Tires are a vehicle component that is very important for maintaining performance and safety when driving. Understanding how to care for tires properly can extend their service life and avoid inefficient use. Suzuki provides several useful tips so that your vehicle tires can last longer and remain safe in everyday use.

“Maintaining the age of motorbike tires is an important part of vehicle maintenance. "Good tires not only increase safety but also save costs in the long term," wrote Suzuki's official website, Monday, September 18.

  1. Check Tire Pressure: It is important to check tire pressure according to the manufacturer's recommendations listed in your vehicle's manual. Proper tire pressure helps avoid excessive wear and extends tire life.
  2. Tire Rotation: Regularly rotating your tires can help even out wear on all of your vehicle's tires, thereby extending their service life.
  3. Avoid Overloading: Carrying heavy loads can shorten the life of your tires. Be sure not to exceed the load capacity recommended by the manufacturer.
  4. Vehicle at the Right Speed: Driving at a speed appropriate to road conditions and speed limits helps reduce wear on tires and improves their performance.
  5. Know Road Conditions: Avoid roads that are damaged, potholes, or bumpy because these conditions can damage tires quickly.
  6. Make Sure the Tires and Wheels Are Aligned: Making sure that your vehicle's tires and wheels are aligned can avoid vibrations that can affect the life of the tires.
  7. Choose Suitable Tires: When changing tires, make sure to choose tires that suit your type and driving style. Special tires for various conditions such as asphalt roads, off-road, or certain weather can extend the life of the tires.
  8. Avoid Sharp Objects: Avoiding areas with sharp objects such as broken glass or large rocks can help protect tires from damage.
  9. Proper Storage: When not in use, ensure your vehicle is parked properly and protect tires from excessive sunlight to prevent heat damage.
  10. Periodic Inspection: Always check your tires periodically for signs of damage, wear, or leaks. Even if they are not actively used, tires have a limited lifespan.
  11. Tire Lubricant: Use commercially available tire lubricant products according to the manufacturer's instructions to maintain the moisture and elasticity of tire rubber.
  12. Replace Old Tires: If the tires have reached their end of life or show significant signs of wear, you should immediately replace them with new tires. Make sure the tire change is done correctly at an authorized repair shop.

Taking good care of your vehicle tires is not only for your safety but can also save you money in the long run. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your vehicle's tires have a longer lifespan and remain in good condition for your journey.