Preventing Susanto's Fake Doctor Case From Repeating, East Java DPRD Asks For Healthcare Hospitals To Re- Verify

SuRABAYA - Member of Commission B from the PDIP faction of the East Java DPRD, Agatha Retnosari, asked all hospitals in his area to re-verify all health workers (nakes) and medical. This is so that fake doctors' cases do not happen again in his area.

"I ask that all medical personnel at the hospital be re-verified, not only at the hospital where fake doctor Susanto works (the clinic belonging to the PHC Surabaya Hospital). But in all hospitals in East Java," said Agatha, Friday, September 15.

The emergence of this fake doctor caused a stir in the universe. How not, Susanto's identity has only been revealed after almost three years on duty at a clinic owned by the PHC Surabaya Hospital since June 2020.

Agatha admitted that he was very surprised when he heard that there was a fake doctor at a well-known hospital in the city of Surabaya (PHC Hospital).

For Agatha, the disclosure of the case greatly disturbed the professionalism of medical personnel, because it involved the health and lives of patients. For this reason, he strongly criticized the administrative carelessness of the hospital.

"There may be a similar case in East Java. Maybe not the doctor, but it could also happen to the nurse or other medical personnel. So all medical personnel in East Java must be reverified," he said.

Agatha asked the hospital to apologize to all the patients he had handled. Because this is pure carelessness from the hospital, which does not conduct strict selection of recruited medical personnel.

"I also ask law enforcers to process it firmly. If necessary, punish with a maximum sentence. Because Susanto has twice committed fraud by becoming a fake doctor," he said.

As is known, the fake doctor named Susanto was discovered after the Surabaya PHC Hospital would renew the contract on June 12, 2023. It turned out that the PHC Hospital found a discrepancy between the photo results and the Registration Certificate (STR) sent by Susanto.

Susanto is known to have falsified data belonging to a doctor from Bandung, Dr. Anggi Yurikno, through a site, finally Susanto's real identity was revealed. Now, Susanto sits at the court at the Surabaya District Court (PN), to account for her actions.

"This is really outrageous. Because he can trick the hospital administration. That means there are weaknesses there," he said.