Koarmada III Alerts Warships Headquartered In Sorong

BIAK - Chief of Staff of Fleet III Naval Command Laksma TNI Singgih Sugiarto said his party had alerted a number of KRI warships based in Sorong, Southwest Papua, because the potential for marine accidents in the Maluku-Papua marine waters was quite high.

"We have alerted the KRI warship because of the threat of potential marine accidents in the Maluku-Papua marine waters this year, there has been an increase of 116 incidents," said TNI Admiral Singgih Sugiarto as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 13.

He explained that compared to the previous year there was an increase in 20 cases of accidents.

One of the ships that also helped deal with marine accidents in Indonesian waters Eastern Indonesia, continued Laksma Singgih, was KRI Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo 991.

"KRI Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo also functions as a hospital ship to always be ready to serve marine accident victims in the operational area of the Indonesian Navy's Fleet III Command," said Laksma Singgih after visiting Mapia's outermost island accompanying Social Minister Tri Rismaharini.

Asked how many cases of law enforcement against sea violations were carried out by foreign ships in Indonesia's maritime territory, according to Singgih, he could not say because he had to look at the latest data during 2023.

"However, every form of violation of the law in the maritime territory of the Republic of Indonesia, if caught, will definitely be dealt with firmly in accordance with applicable regulations," he asserted.

He hopes that the presence of Indonesian Navy soldiers is included in the Outermost Island Security Task Force in the Mapia Islands, Supiori Regency to maintain the sovereignty of Indonesia's maritime territory and provide services to the local community.