Reasons For The Elimination Of Tickets Not Passing The Emission Test: So As Not To Burden The Community

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has officially eliminated fines for motorists who do not pass the emission test. The reason is that the ticket is considered burdensome to the public.

"It is an evaluation material so as not to burden the community," said Irwasda Polda Metro Jaya as well as the Head of the Air Pollution Control Task Force Kombes Nurcholis when confirmed, Tuesday, September 12.

At the beginning of the action, vehicles that do not pass the emission test will be subject to fines in the form of fines ranging from IDR 250 thousand to IDR 500 thousand.

2-wheeled vehicles are subject to a fine of IDR 250 thousand. Meanwhile, 4-wheeled vehicles are IDR 500 thousand.

The amount of the fine is regulated in accordance with Article 285 Paragraph 1 and Article 276 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ).

According to Nurcholis, many people complain about the application of fines for drivers whose vehicles do not pass the emission test.

Based on the evaluation, the ticket sanction was replaced with a warning and an appeal for people to take care of or bring their vehicles to the workshop to be repaired.

"Yes, we also accommodate the public with many complaints, finally, yes, for this (don't pass the test) we persuasively remind us to reprimand," said Nurcholis.

Previously, it was reported that Polda Metro Jaya had changed the enforcement scheme in the emission test. Later, vehicles that do not pass the emission test will not be ticketed.

"(Not ticketed) So a persuasive and educational approach," said Nurcholis.