Flashback To The 2022 State Budget: Hard Work To Protect The Community And Restore The Economy
JAKARTA - The government and the DPR have reached an agreement to ratify the Draft Law on Accountability for the Implementation of the 2022 State Budget (RUU P2APBN) into law.
This commitment is also the recognition of the government's work in managing state finances over the past year. In the ratification at the DPR Plenary Session today, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani was present as a representative of the government.
In his speech, the Minister of Finance expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the leadership and all members of the DPR RI for their very good support and cooperation, so that the entire process of discussing the bill can run smoothly on time.
"The most important thing is the substance of the bill, namely accountability for the implementation of the State Budget as an important state financial instrument and fiscal instrument, which has been carried out properly in accordance with the constitution and law," he said Tuesday, September 12.
The Minister of Finance said that the 2022 State Budget is an important and strategic instrument.
"APBN works extraordinarily hard in protecting the public through the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) which focuses on handling health, protecting the community, and economic recovery," he said.
As a result, continued the Minister of Finance, the Indonesian economy was able to grow 5.3 percent year on year (yoy), above the growth target of 5.2 percent.
In addition, the state treasurer explained that Indonesia was able to reduce the poverty rate from 9.71 percent to 9.57 percent.
Then, the open unemployment rate also decreased from 5.86 percent to 5.49 percent. In addition, with the success of APBN management, economic recovery has been evenly distributed in all sectors and regions.
In the 2022 period, the state budget deficit will also return below 3 percent, namely 2.35 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The book is one year faster than written in Law Number 2 of 2020.
Economic recovery is running quickly and is able to increase Indonesia's gross national income per capita by 9.8 percent to 4,580 US dollars per capita in 2022. This restores Indonesia to become a group of middle income countries. Good achievements are an important asset for us to be able to continue national development, carry out economic transformation to be more productive to achieve the ideals of an advanced, just and prosperous Indonesia," he explained.
At the end, the Minister of Finance hopes that cooperation between the government and the DPR can continue to be established in managing the APBN.
"With healthy and credible state finances, Indonesia has a strong economic and democratic foundation to face today's challenges," he concluded. "The government hopes that good cooperation can continue to be maintained and improved so that the state budget and finances continue to be the foundation and at the same time instruments to create fair prosperity," concluded the Minister of Finance.