Heru Budi Threatens to Revoke Permits of Air Polluting Companies in Jakarta If They Don't Comply with Environmental Improvement Sanctions

JAKARTA - Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono threatened to impose strict sanctions up to the revocation of business permits on companies proven to be polluting the air in the capital city.

In recent times, the DKI Provincial Government has imposed administrative sanctions in the form of forcing companies to improve their environmental activities. If these sanctions are not complied with, the DKI Provincial Government will not hesitate to close their businesses.

"Yesterday there were one or two who would be dealt with legally. If they have violated the rules, let alone the environment, we will take firm action. Moreover, if it is not in accordance with the spatial plan, not in accordance with permits, conditions, we will do it. " said Heru when met in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Sunday, September 10.

However, Heru believes that the industries that have been sanctioned will comply with the DKI Provincial Government's orders to reduce the impact of air pollution resulting from their business activities.

"The regulations already exist. If not, of course we will discuss with the Ministry of the Environment in the second stage. But I am sure that the industries affected by the warning will comply," he explained.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has temporarily suspended the operations of a number of industries in Jakarta in recent times due to violating environmental permits and causing air pollution.

On Thursday, August 31, the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service imposed sanctions on three coal warehousing and storage (stockpile) companies, namely Bahana Indokarya Global, PT Trada Trans Indonesia, and PT Trans Bara Energy.

These three companies were given administrative sanctions in the form of government coercion after being proven to have not completed environmental management which had the potential to pollute the environment, so their operations were temporarily suspended.

Not only targeting large industrial factories, the sanctions imposed on perpetrators of air pollution are also imposed on small businesses owned by residents.

The East Jakarta Environment Agency has closed the charcoal burning business in Lubang Buaya. The DKI Provincial Government ordered the business building to be demolished because it did not have a permit.

Then on Wednesday, August 30, a concrete batching plant (CBP) company in West Jakarta, namely PT Merak Jaya Beton, stopped operating.

During an inspection of PT Merak Jaya Beton, the DKI Provincial Government found that PT Merak Jaya Beton had not followed up on fulfilling its commitments by preparing environmental documents. This company was also subject to government coercive administrative sanctions with temporary closure.

Furthermore, on Friday, September 8, the DKI Provincial Government also temporarily stopped operations at the iron and steel industry, namely PT Jakarta Central Asia Steel, because it violated environmental regulations related to the use of chimneys that were not yet suitable for operation.

Another form of violation committed by this industry is related to the use of chimneys. Where, the use of a reheating chimney must obtain a certificate of operability.