The Death Penalty Is In Front Of The Eyes Of Nirwansyah, A Young Man Who Has The Heart To Kill His Close Friend's Mother
TANGERANG Nirwansyah (23) hid in a sewer, a dirty water channel after killing his close friend's mother. The police have not revealed the motive for this incident. However, what Nirwansyah did has been planned. Yes, the young man had already planned the death of Anik Patmawati, the mother of his close friend.
Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Commissioner Victor Berlyantho said the perpetrators would be charged with premeditated murder.
"Article applied to Article 340 (KUHP) in conjunction with 338 with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment," Victor told reporters, Friday, September 9.
Victor explained why the perpetrator was charged with the article. According to him, Nirwansyah has been proven to have carried a sharp weapon (sajam) type knife from his house to kill Anik Patmawati.
"According to information, the suspect has been prepared from the start. It has been prepared, planned. The direction is that," he said.
The murder of an elderly woman (elderly), Anik Patmawati (51), carried out by Nirwansyah (23), shocked residents of Jalan Danau Poso 1, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency. This is because the perpetrator is a neighbor of the victim, even a close friend of the victim's child who often plays at his house. Residents did not expect it to be like that.
The testimony of a number of residents is not much different from the police statement. Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Commissioner Victor Berlyantho explained the chronology of the murder.
Victor said, the perpetrator took action on Thursday night, September 7 at around 22.30 WIB. The perpetrator entered the victim's house by breaking into the door of the house using a folding tang.
"The suspect entered the victim's house by prying it with a folding handle," Victor told reporters, Friday, September 8.
After successfully entering the house, continued Victor, the perpetrator went straight to the victim's room. And at that time, the perpetrator saw the victim sleeping on the bed in his room.
"Entering the house of the victim who was sleeping, he was immediately stabbed. The victim screamed for help, his son (Daffa) immediately woke up to help his mother who was seriously injured," said Victor.
Daffa tried to save her mother, but because of her impossible health condition, she could not withstand the weapon used by the perpetrator. According to Yati, the victim's neighbor, Daffa had an accident so that her leg was limp.
At that time, Daffa could only scream at the perpetrators with the word 'thief'. Dafta shouted as an effort to ask for help from residents around his house.
After Daffa shouted, Victor said, the perpetrator, who turned out to be Daffa's close friend, immediately ran away. When he wanted to get out of the door, the perpetrator passed into a resident who was already in front of the victim's house. The perpetrator fled.
"Then the perpetrator fled out of the house," he said. Victor said, residents immediately chased him until he was finally caught hiding in a dirty water channel, a sewer.
"So when we got there, the perpetrator was hiding (hidden-ed) in the sewer," he continued.
Nirwansyah was detained at the Kelapa Dua Police for further questioning.