Sal Priadi's Romance In The Debut Album Berhati

JAKARTA - Soloist Sal Priadi presents his first album, Berhati. This album is his latest project which was released on February 20, 2020. Through Berhati, the singer from Malang translated the writings he had written from 2011 to 2019.

The announcement was originally spread via Sal Priadi's Instagram post on January 2 in which he wrote; "My first album will be born, with the name BERHATI".

The romance-themed album is a showcase for Sal's poetic taste. And that has been heard since the songs Ikat Aku di Belikatmu, Melebur Semesta, and Amin Most Serious - one of Sal's most successful songs with 21 million streams on Spotify.

The stories in the album Berhati are a mixture of personal stories with those of people around Sal. Quoted from a press statement received by VOI, Monday, February 24, Sal said; "The results of my hunting throughout the year and the life of the stories surrounding the experiences that I drew from the root of the story, then I assembled them back in my dim room."

Being careful was the turning point for Sal Priadi to see the wounds that were in his mind and soul. The album opens with the song Nyala, an emotional feeling marked by Sal's voice and a burning fire, then the instrument enters. The song was performed several times before its full release on January 30th. Turns on, the last track of the album became the ending for the story that was told by Sal as long as the album was spinning.

Even though this is Sal Priadi's first album, for him Berhati will be a cover of the past after being released to the public. For the singer who was born on April 30, he is struggling enough to remove the scars that occurred several years ago, remembering the atmosphere. There are also several songs that are inspired by the longing for romances that become songs.

A total of 11 tracks are included in the album Berhati which consists of six new songs as well as five previously released songs including Melebur Semesta, Kultusan, Ikat Aku di Tulang Belikatmu and Amin Most Serious.

Sal Priadi was assisted by his friends in producing Berhati, namely Mahatamtama Arya Adinegara from Coldiac, Kara Putri Mindyani, Ibnu Dian from Matter Halo, Alvin Witarsa, and Lafa Pratomo.

Berhati is the work of Sal Priadi about all the emotions that are poured into a mesmerizing presentation. Of course, this album is an inauguration of Sal Priadi as one of the singers that you need to listen to his music. You can already listen to the Berhati album through the digital platform.