Dianda Kemarau, Warga Perbatasan RI-Malaysia Di Badau Kalbar Kesulitan Air Bersih
KALBAR - Residents in Badau District in the Kapuas Hulu area, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), have difficulty clean water. The Indonesia-Malaysia border area was hit by the dry season causing the water discharge to decrease.
"The source of water in the dam is underprivileged during the dry season, because the water discharge is lacking and many have leaked, they have to take turns to distribute water," said Badau Sub-district Head Edy Suharta, contacted in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu, Friday, September 8, as reported by Antara.
Edy said that the clean water source had been from the Kekurak Village waterfall. However, because of the dry season and the dam is leaking, it is unable to meet the water needs of the community.
According to him, the community is quite helped when it rains, but it is temporary and only at any time. He hopes that there will be a solution for related parties in overcoming the problem of clean water in Badau District.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Tirta Regional Company for Kapuas Saini Hadi admitted that the water source in Kekurak Village dried up, especially during the dry season.
"The condition of the water source did dry up during the dry season, we have repaired several leaking dams. But the cause is due to a decrease in water discharge," said Saini.
He said there were several factors that caused water sources to not meet the needs of the community, including the dry season and the presence of oil palm plantations, resulting in water absorption and drought.
According to Saini, there is an alternative to meeting the needs of clean water in Badau District, namely water sources from Seriang Village. However, it requires a large enough budget because the water source distance is about 17 kilometers.
"We have coordinated this with the PUPR Ministry Hall in the province, hopefully in the future it can be realized," said Saini.
Regarding the dry season, said Saini, water constraints in Badau and Drang sub-districts. However, in Drang there is an alternative source of water from the river, so that it can be resolved.
"What is clear is that we have communicated clean water for Badau and written to the head of the hall and we have gone down to the location to make measurements," he said.