Ridwan Kamil's Name Appears As Ganjar's Vice Presidential Candidate, PPP Still Submits Sandiaga Uno To PDIP
JAKARTA - The chairman of the PPP DPP, Achmad Baidowi, responded to the emergence of the name of the former West Java (West Java) Governor Ridwan Kamil as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) accompanying Ganjar Pranowo. Awiek said that anyone has the opportunity to accompany the PDIP presidential candidate. However, he said, PPP still proposed the chairman of the Bappilu PPP who is also Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno.
"The inclusion of the names of the vice presidents in the exchange discussed within the coalition is a natural thing, yes, part of political dynamics. Everyone can discuss it, but we in political parties have a mechanism," said Awiek at the DPR Building, Friday, September 8.
Even Awiek continued, Sandiaga Uno's name had been proposed to PDIP. "Well, the internal mechanism of PPP, in accordance with the decision of the National Rapimnas, decided on Mr. Sandiaga Uno as his vice president who accompanied Pak Ganjar, and that has been submitted to PDIP," added Awiek.
Even so, Awiek explained, all decisions will be discussed together within the coalition through deliberation and consensus. It is known, PPP is a supporting political party for Ganjar with PDIP, Hanura and Perindo. "So that even if the cawapres is determined later, it becomes a joint decision, no one feels that it is not communicated. So there is no need to label there has been betrayal," said Awiek. "For example, if it is discussed, everything can certainly be understood by each other," he added. PPP considers the emergence of the names of Ganjar vice presidents as political dynamics in the field ahead of the registration of vice presidential candidates whose information is willing to be advanced.
"Well, related to that before entering regarding the stages, internally PPP because the rapid decision is Mr. Sandi, even if there will be a change in political attitudes, if it becomes a mutual agreement, of course we must legalize it again in rapimnas," he said.
However, he added, to this day there is no closest rapid national agenda. So the PPP decision is still to nominate Sandiaga Uno as Ganjar's vice presidential candidate and has also been submitted to PDIP.
"It's just a matter of how we sit together to formulate the names that are circulating. After all, it's still not narrowed yet, the names are still circulating, which were written by friends yesterday and reported by the friends," he concluded. Previously, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil gave a code to become vice president. RK said there would be news about this in the near future. "We ask for prayers, our destiny does not know where we don't know, but God willing, God will give the best, but if next week there is breaking news, please understand," said Ridwan Kamil in a certificate with the Governor of West Java at Gedung Sate, Bandung, Wednesday, September 6.
"The code is just that," he added.