Microsoft Ready To Pay Legal Compensation Regarding The Use Of Artificial Intelligence Products
JAKARTA- Microsoft announced on Thursday 7 September that it will pay legal compensation on behalf of customers who use their artificial intelligence (AI) products if they are sued for copyright infringement generated by these systems.
Microsoft will be responsible for potential legal risks arising from claims filed by third parties as long as company customers use "security and filtering" that have been built into their products, the company disclosed. The company offers functionality intended to reduce the likelihood of AI producing copyright infringinging content.
With the increasingly rapid deployment of generative AIs - a computer program capable of producing text, images, sounds, and other data - users have expressed concerns about the ability of this technology to generate content without referring to the original author.
Microsoft relies on GenAI growth, building its investments in ChatGPT makers, OpenAI, and has integrated this technology into its various products, including cloud services, Search Engines (Search), and company productivity software.
The company's Copilot Copyright commitment expands the scope of existing intellectual property guarantees by Microsoft for copyright claims related to the use of their AI-based assistants called Copilots and Bing Chat Enterprise.