Over Capacity Of Banjarmasin Prison Reaches 500 Percent, South Kalimantan Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Ensures Optimal Services

KALSEL - Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) ensures that services at Banjarmasin Prison continue to run optimally even though the occupancy capacity is overloaded or overcapacity reaches 500 percent.

"We appreciate the efforts of the Head of the Prison and all staff in carrying out their duties well," said Head of the South Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Faisol Ali in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Thursday, September 7, confiscated by Antara.

When conducting an inspection at Banjarmasin Prison, Faisol assessed that the public services provided were in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Among them are residential blocks with layered security systems.

Furthermore, he said, the health insurance of the inmates, the availability of comfortable visit facilities, including playgrounds for visitors who bring children.

He also had a dialogue with the inmates to hear directly their input and aspirations regarding the services they received.

He wanted to ensure that the inmates and their visiting families received fair treatment and opportunities to improve themselves during their criminal period.

Faisol said that the inspection he carried out was part of an effort to improve the quality of public services in prisons aimed at supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners into the community.

Kakanwil also instructed that collaboration between Banjarmasin Prison and other stakeholders continue to be improved to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public services.

It is known that currently the prison led by Herliadi as the Head of the Class IIA Banjarmasin Prison is inhabited by 2,189 correctional inmates, even though the capacity is only for 366 people.