PLN Icon Plus: Green And Digital Transformation - Integrating The Energy Future

JAKARTA - Director of Electricity Related Business of PLN Icon Plus, Chipta Perdana, underlined the importance of the link between green and digital transformations in the energy world.

In the Climate Impact Innovation Challenge (CIIC) event which took place in Jakarta, Saturday, Chipta explained that green transformation requires support from digital transformation, and vice versa, digital transformation can bring changes that are more environmentally friendly.

As a subholding of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), PLN Icon Plus has a focus on three main areas: electric vehicle business, solar panels, and digitization.

In the context of the electric vehicle business, PLN Icon Plus is committed to building battery-based electric vehicle charging station (KBLBB) infrastructure. They have also developed a PLN Mobile digital platform that makes it easier for electric vehicle users to find charging stations and battery exchange stations. In fact, online motorcycle taxis (ojol) can also access information about the location of this battery exchange station through the application.

In the solar panel business, PLN Icon Plus utilizes digital platforms to target business-to-business (B2B) and consumer (business-to-consumer/B2C) segments. They have even developed a Marketplace feature in their application, which allows users to buy solar panels more easily.

All of these steps are part of PLN Icon Plus's efforts to realize a green transformation by utilizing the potential for digital transformation. Chipta Perdana emphasized that digitalization and environmental protection cannot be separated from each other.

"So, we believe digitalization and a green environment cannot be separated," said Chipta, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, September 2.

CIIC itself is a side event of the ASEAN Business & Investment Summit organized by the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC). CIIC provides a platform for technology innovators to showcase their innovative solutions in addressing environmental issues and reducing the impact of climate change. The innovations noticed in CIIC cover four areas: renewable energy, food and agriculture, mobility, and marine.