Kemendikbudristek Tekanskan Skripsi Syarat Graduates S1 Tidak Dihapus
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) emphasized that the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 of 2023 does not remove the thesis as a graduation requirement for undergraduate students.
"This should not be misinterpreted that there is no thesis. What has been changed is that the shape can vary and it is submitted to universities and their study programs," said Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture Nizam during a Casual Chat of the Directorate General of Higher Education and Research and Technology in Jakarta, Friday, August 1, confiscated by Antara.
Nizam explained that the Permendikbudristek stipulates that the requirement to graduate for undergraduate students is not only through a thesis as has happened so far but there are other options.
He explained that through this regulation, it provides freedom for universities to provide students with the choice of graduation requirements, starting from thesis, prototype, project and so on.
For example, students of the economic study program can solve financial cases at a Regional Development Bank (BPD) so that it is more attractive and in accordance with its competence than just a thesis.
Another example, when a university focuses more on output in the form of Intellectual Property Rights (HKI), students can make concrete products that can later be accompanied by patents or only issued.
"For example, he mastered his technology to solve problems procedurally. What is it manifested in? You can thesis, you can project, you can prototype, you can case a case," said Nizam.
However, Nizam said that the determination of the graduation standard will still be submitted to each university, especially whether or not students are free to choose the final task form.
So far, one fit for all doesn't have to be like that. This is what I think should still refer to what has been determined by the university," he said.