2 The Suspects Are Ready To Uncover The Collaboration Of Alleged Corruption Of Asabri So That The State Money Returns

JAKARTA - Former Directors of the Indonesian Armed Forces Insurance (Asabri) Hari Setiono and Bachtiar Effendi stated that they are ready to assist the investigating prosecutors at the Attorney General's Office in exposing the alleged corruption in the state-owned company.

"My client is ready to work together to dismantle all the folds that have occurred in Asabri's investment so that all the assets resulting from the inventory from Asabri's money can be returned. Whether my client's actions were right or wrong, let the court decide," said the lawyer for the two suspects, Handika Honggowongso. at the Attorney General's Office, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 3.

According to Handika, this was done in order to recover state losses which reached IDR 23.73 trillion.

However, Handika also questioned the potential amount of state losses caused by the Asabri case. According to him, this amount was too large.

"The number is fantastic. It is the biggest loss in the history of corruption in Indonesia. So, we ask how the method or how to calculate it?" Handika said.

According to him, investigating prosecutors must look at all aspects to determine state losses in this case, one of which is by looking at Asabri's assets, both in the form of stocks, mutual funds, and property.

"If it is true that it is a real loss, not a potential loss, then the supervisory function from 2012 to 2018 by the Auditor, Commissioner of PT Asabri, Minister of Defense, State Minister for State-Owned Enterprises and OJK has not been implemented or implemented but failed miserably or is there a scenario of breaking into Asabri massively and totally? " he said.

Handika also appealed to the parties who currently control the investment returns of PT Asabri to hand over the proceeds of corruption to the AGO investigating prosecutors.

"That is from the money of members of the TNI and Polri which is very much needed to improve their welfare," he said.

Previously, the Attorney General's Office Jampidsus named eight suspects in the investigation of alleged corruption in the management of finance and investment funds by PT Asabri.

The eight suspects were the Director of PT Asabri for the 2011-March 2016 period, Mayjen Purn. Adam Rachmat Damiri, Director of PT Asabri for the period March 2016-July 2020 Lieutenant General Purn. Sonny Widjaja, Finance Director of PT Asabri for the period October 2008-June 2014 Bachtiar Effendi, and Director of PT Asabri for the period 2013-2014 and 2015—2019 Hari Setiono.

Other suspects are the Head of the Investment Division of PT Asabri July 2012 - January 2017 Ilham W. Siregar, President Director of PT Prima Network Lukman Purnomosidi, Managing Director of PT Hanson International Tbk. Benny Tjokrosaputro, and Commissioner of PT Trada Alam Minera Heru Hidayat.

Both Benny and Heru are suspects in the corruption case at PT Asuransi Jiwasraya. This case is said to have caused state financial losses of IDR 23.73 trillion.