PKS Selects Kalem Amid Anies-Cak Imin Issues, Has No Intention Of Changing Presidential Candidates

The dynamics that are carried out in the Coalition for Amendments to Unity (KPP) rose after the Democratic Party said Anies Baswedan had been paired with PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar. PKS itself chose not to panic and continued to support Anies Baswedan.

"We still refer to the decision of the VIII Syuro Council Deliberation (MMS) that PKS officially supports and carries Brother Anies Rasyid Baswedan as a Presidential Candidate for the Republic of Indonesia in the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Election. Therefore, PKS remains in the MMS VIII decision and we will strive as well as possible in carrying out the mandate," said Almuzammil Yusuf, Member of Team-8 of the Change Coalition for Unity from PKS.

"We respect that every political party has the right and sovereignty in determining its political stance. Various efforts have been made to find common ground in the Coalition for Amendments to Unity (KPP), but have not yet obtained the desired results together," continued the Head of Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Polhukam) of the PKS DPP., Thursday 31 August.

The reason PKS chose to remain in this coalition refers to a mutual agreement. If the coalition fully surrenders the determination of the Indonesian Vice Presidential Candidate by Anies Baswedan.

The executive general of the Democratic Party as well as Member of Team 8 Teuku Riefky Harsya is disappointed with the political cooperation carried out by NasDem and PKB.

The cooperation between the two political parties who are both members of the Coalition for Amendments to Improvement (KPP) with the Democrats-PKS is carried out unilaterally.

Whereas from a series of meetings between coalition parties there have been several agreements. One of them is about the vice presidential candidate chosen by Anies Baswedan. The choice fell to the Democratic Chairman, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

"Capres Anies wrote his decision in the form of a signed handwritten letter to the Chairman of AHY on August 25, 2023 or six days ago. The essence of the letter is to ask officially that Ketum AHY be willing to become his Vice Presidential Candidate," said Teuku Riefky in a message received by the media crew in Jakarta, Thursday, August 31.

Unfortunately something unexpected happened. In the middle of the process of finalizing the work of the coalition political parties with the presidential candidate Anies and the preparation for the declaration, suddenly there was a fundamental and surprising change.

Teuku Riefky said, on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 night at Nasdem Tower, unilaterally the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, suddenly appointed PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar as Anies Vice Presidential Candidate.

This determination was without the knowledge of the Democratic Party and PKS. That night, Anies' presidential candidate was summoned by Surya Paloh to accept the decision.