Vice President Asks Islamic Boarding Schools To Prepare Superior Santri To Master Science And Technology

BANGKALAN - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked Islamic boarding schools to prepare superior students who master science and technology (science and technology) to face the challenges of the times for Muslims who are increasingly complex.

"So Allah provides a lot of natural resources, Allah (provides) economic activities. But we must prepare human resources that have knowledge and technology," said Vice President Ma'ruf when inaugurating Islamic School of Economics and Business Ponpes Al Anwar, Bangkalan, Madura, East Java, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 31.

In the event which coincided with Haul Masyayikh, Wisuda Purna-Siswa and Ponpes Al Anwar Ke-28 Anniversary as well as the inauguration of the Al Anwar Flats, Ma'ruf asked the Islamic boarding school (ponpes) to be alert in following the development of knowledge and technology. This is important because these two things are prerequisites for creating quality human resources which are the keys to progress and prosperity.

"So add knowledge, because later there will be a kind of added value. Therefore, I think it is very appropriate that the High School of Economics and Islamic Business will provide deep knowledge to be able to manage it more professionally and innovatively," he said.

The Vice President emphasized that students must be figures who master religion and make updates. For example, students who are not only good at reading books but are able to ijtihad in providing law regarding the current issues.

The Vice President gave an example of Islamic economic issues that are indeed developing very rapidly and are not clearly explained in the text of the Koran, such as digital payments, buying and selling online where shoppers do not meet in person.

As the center of da'wah, the Vice President hopes that pesantren will print compensation, spread peace, and improve, not spread hatred.

"The prayer is the building, the principle is built on the wisdom and benefit of the servant. The Shari'a is all fair, everything is mercy, everything is beneficial, and everything is wisdom," said Ma'ruf.