EOS Begins To Be Available In Japan After Getting Green Light From Regulators

JAKARTA - The EOS Crypto has strengthened its position as a leading player in the crypto industry by obtaining significant regulatory approval. Through the EOS Network Foundation (ENF), they have obtained approval from the Japan Virtual Asset Exchange and Crypto Association (JVCEA) to trade EOS tokens on regulated cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan.

ENF telah berhasil memastikan masuknya token EOS ke pasar Jepang dengan izin dari JVCEA. Keberhasil ini merupakan tindakan berani dalam mematuhi regulasi ketat Jepang terkait perdagangan aset kripto. Pasar aset digital yang diatur di Jepang seperti BitTrad, yang diawasi oleh Financial Services Agency (FSA), akan membuka perdagangan token EOS terhadap yen Jepang mulai pertengahan September.

This achievement is a monumental step for EOS, as it demonstrates their commitment to running business in accordance with established rules. Approval from JVCEA shows that EOS is ready to meet the security and compliance standards set by Japanese authorities.

Yves La Rose, CEO of the EOS Network Foundation, expressed his joy at this agreement. He acknowledged that this move opened up new opportunities for EOS in the Japanese market, particularly in the smart and innovative gaming industry.

More than that, EOS' efforts to expand its influence in East Asia are getting stronger. They are committed to encouraging the adoption of blockchain technology in this market, in the hope of supporting innovation and development growth in the future.

EOS is well known in Japan through projects such as Upland, which utilizes the EOS ecosystem to create an interesting digital world. Partnerships with the PFP project anime bluechip, ON1 FORCE, have allowed Japanese people to explore and experience the greatness of the EOS network.

This EOS token approval step also comes in line with new efforts to provide financial support to projects on the EOS network. EOS Network Ventures has allocated $20 million to support developers in building applications and games on the EOS network. This move has helped boost the growth of the DeFi ecosystem that is developing on the network, as well as increase the value of projects built on EOS.

Through this approval and their commitment to innovation, EOS further strengthens its reputation as a key player in the blockchain world. As a protocol that has been operating for five years, its achievements are undeniable, covering more than 100 million transactions every day, making it an important force in global digital transformation.