Socialization At Warkop, Police Prevent Illegal Gold Mining In Talamau, West Pasaman

SUMBAR - The police went down the mountain to socialize the ban on gold mining without a permit to the people of Talamau, West Pasaman.

The socialization was carried out in traditional coffee shops (warkop) in the Bateh Samuik, Jorong Tombang, Nagari Sinuruik, Talamau District. As many as 20 representatives of the Bateh Samuik community were involved. "The ban applies as workers, land providers, as well as investors in the Talamau District," said West Pasaman Police Chief AKBP Agung Basuki at Simpang Empat, West Pasaman, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Wednesday 30 August, confiscated by Antara. According to him, the socialization was to anticipate all forms of gold mining activities without a permit (PETI) in the Talamau Police jurisdiction. "We deliberately hold this socialization and appeal so that all levels of society, especially in the Bateh Samuik area, know the impact caused by illegal gold mining activities, as well as convey the threat of punishment for people who carry out PETI activities," he said. Head of the Talamau Police, Iptu Yuli Dekri, added that the police provide knowledge of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Batu Bara so that the public can understand the threat of punishment and criminal sanctions for anyone who violates the law. "In response to this matter, of course, of course, the important role and cooperation of all community leaders and traditional leaders are needed to jointly maintain the environmental ecosystem to avoid the impact of increasingly widespread environmental damage," he said. He emphasized, if it is found that there are illegal gold mining activities that use heavy equipment or excavators in the Tombang area, both Tombang Mudiak and Tombang Hilia, then his party will take firm action in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law.

The police chief also appealed to the public not to distribute illegal fuel for this activity. He threatened that if it was carried out he would be punished as stipulated in Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas as amended in Article 40 number 9 of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation, with the threat of a maximum imprisonment of 6 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 60 billion. "Regarding this, we will continue to urge the public not to carry out illegal gold mining activities. We hope for cooperation from all levels of society to report to related parties if they find illegal gold mining activities in the Jorong Tombang area," he said.