NTB Police Attention To Revocation Of Moratorium On Migrant Workers To The Middle East

The NTB Regional Police through the regional task force for the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) paid attention to the government's move to revoke the moratorium on sending migrant workers to the Middle East region and not giving them space to move.The head of the NTB Police TPPO Task Force, Brigadier General Ruslan Aspan, emphasized that they would not provide space and time for the trade network of people who deliberately took advantage of the revocation of the moratorium."We will never provide space and time for them (TIP network) to carry out activities that lead to TIP in NTB," he said in Mataram, NTB, Antara, Tuesday, August 29.He said this was in response to the interest of NTB residents who were high enough to be able to work abroad, especially to the Middle East region. The opportunity for trafficking in people is considered prone to occur because of the revocation of the moratorium."Therefore, on this occasion we appeal to all ranks who are tasked with the TIP task force to continue to carry out supervision in the field," he said.For prevention efforts, he explained, the NTB Police have taken the first step by giving a mandate to Bhayangkara for security and order development spread throughout villages/kelurahan in NTB."In essence, we have begun to provide understanding to PMI candidates not to be tempted by large salaries, but to be suspected of being the mode of a TIP syndicate," he said.In addition to internal supervision, he asked his members to keep synergizing with those who have an important role in preventing and taking action against human trafficking.As a form of commitment in eradicating TIP, he also said that the NTB Police had opened information and reporting services for residents through the communication access of the NTB Police TPPO Task Force to contact number 081138830666.
"If you find or suspect that TIP has committed an act in the PMI recruitment process, you are welcome to contact our services. From that service, we will follow up," he said.