5 Water Tank Trucks Back And Forth Every Day Supply Clean Water To 8 Districts In Cianjur Affected By Drought

CIANJUR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that the impact of drought continues to spread in eight sub-districts in Cianjur. As a result, demand for clean water supply increases every day.

Secretary of BPBD Cianjur, Rudi Wibowo said eight sub-districts were quite badly affected, such as Karangtengah, Haurwangi, Sukaluyu, Ciranjang, Cikalongkulon, Mande, Cianjur, and Cugenang.

"Most of the residents lose their springs so that every day five tank trucks belonging to the Ministry of PUPR and PMI Cianjur are involved in distribution to affected sub-districts, one tank can serve two to three requests from a number of sub-districts," he said in Cianjur Monday, August 28, confiscated by Antara.

The difficulty in getting clean water was felt by residents in a number of sub-districts because the water source began to dry up and residents were forced to accommodate the remaining puddles in rice fields and rivers. Meanwhile, hundreds of hectares of rice fields cannot be planted.

Since the past week, five clean water tanks have been distributed to a number of sub-districts to meet the needs of residents who are asked to prepare large reservoirs to make it easier for officers to distribute clean water every day.

"The calculation per day is around 60 thousand liters of clean water distributed by officers to eight affected sub-districts, while reports entering today Cilaku District are starting to experience the same difficulties and data collection is being carried out," he said.

To anticipate the expansion of the area affected by drought, his party coordinates with related agencies including villages and sub-districts to build drill wells and clean water reservoirs, so that residents can easily get supplies.

"We have long ago asked the authorities in the sub-district and related villages to be assisted by the relevant agencies to build drill wells or large water reservoirs in a number of villages prone to drought every year," said Rudi.

Meanwhile, regarding the disaster alert status, the Cianjur Regency Government has not yet established this status but has issued an appeal letter to prevent and carry out handling in every service to the sub-district level.