Within A Day, 154 Hotspots Are Monitored In East Kalimantan
BALIKPAPAN - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) detected 154 hotspots early indicators of forest and land fires in the East Kalimantan Province during the monitoring period Saturday, August 26 at 01.00 to 24.00 WITA.Kuta Coordinator of Data and Information at Class I Meteorological Station Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman-Sepinggan Balikpapan Diyan Novrida said that during that period hotspots were observed in Paser (2), West Kutai (6), East Kutai (52), Kutai Kartanegara (2), Berau (90), and Mahakam Ulu (2). In the Berau Regency area, he said, hotspots with intermediate confidence levels were detected in Kelay Districts of Mount Tabur, Derawan Island, Sambaliung, and Segah. In addition, hot spots were observed in the Batu Sopang and Pasengkong Districts in Paser Regency as well as the Districts of Long Iram two and Muara Pahu in West Kutai Regency.
Diyan said that information regarding the distribution of hot spots had been submitted to the Regional Disaster Management Agency at the provincial and district levels. He again reminded residents not to take actions that could trigger fires such as throwing cigarette butts carelessly and burning to open or clean land.