Artist Ding Yi Personalization Porsche Taycan Turbo S With His Work

JAKARTA - The abstract artist, Ding Yi, has given a touch of art to one of the Porsche Taycan Turbo S cars. This artist has used only one motif for more than 30 years: the cross.

His abstract work contains these symbols in a variety of shapes, colors, and expressions. His work adorns museums, art galleries, and collectors' homes, and will soon roam the streets of Shanghai.

Within the framework of the Porsche Sonderw program, an extraordinary art car was created based on the Porsche Taycan Turbo S. Both body and interior of the sport is decorated with details from the Ding Yi painting entitled "Appearance of Crosses 2022-2."

Earlier, in the summer of 2022, Ding Yi discussed this idea in detail with the Porsche design team and experts at Porsche Exclusive Manufacturing. At the same time, he determines the basis for paint work for body and rim.

"What Ding Yi asked us to do is the most complex painting work Porsche has ever done. The perfect reproduction of Ding Yi's painting on the body parts takes a lot longer than the limited-edition car production process," said Alexander Fabig, Vice President of Individual and Classic Porsche, in the company's media room, August 25.

With the Sonderw program Porsche offers the highest quality car customers. Customers can be involved personally, meet designers and developers, and can act as co-project managers.

Detailed "Appearance of Crosses 2022-2" paintings parts such as engine hoods, back spoilers, and exterior rearview mirrors from Taycan Turbo S. With the help of a special coating tailored to artwork, experts paint each color in the painting separately. Then, two layers of clear coating are added.

The details of Ding Yi's painting are also integrated inside the interior of this car: on the front and rear door panels, on the dashboard, and around the front cup. Although the interior surface is made of different ingredients, the detailed colors of the painting have a unified appearance. This is possible thanks to the custom sablon printing technique.

"Cooperation with Ding Yi is an extraordinary experience. His inspiration and enthusiasm exceeds our wildest imagination. "Raison d'Raisontre Sonderw program is creating exclusive cars for our customers. Through this kind of collaboration, we look forward to combining cutting-edge technology with aesthetics and seeing it with fresh eyes. This single work reinterprets the innovative spirit and luxurious experience of Porsche Taycan," concluded Michael Kirsch, President and CEO of Porsche China.