Land In Front Of The Burned Central Jakarta City Government Office Turns Out To Be Looked At By Buyers, But Residents Are Not Suitable For Prices
JAKARTA - The fire incident in a densely populated residential area on Jalan Gang Kober, RT 02/05, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, was complained of by local residents.
According to information gathered, the land at the location of the fire is suspected to be unclaimed land. In fact, according to local residents, one of the companies has looked at the burned land.
"Yesterday, the fire was not allowed to rebuild, that's why they used a tent. Stay there they live," said a resident around the fire with the initials M (40) to reporters, Wednesday, August 23.
Furthermore, M said, there were even some residents whose houses were demolished before the fire occurred.
"This already has some of it, so I was surprised why it was dismantled. There are no people here who want it because the place to live is difficult and expensive and the price is not in accordance with the residents," he said.
According to M, the area where the fire was located was dominated by a number of indecosts.
"Here RT 02/05. The original residents have moved, only here are boarding houses or something like that," he said.
Meanwhile, the flames began to extinguish. However, firefighters are still carrying out fire control by sprinkling water.
As previously reported, residents affected by the fire on Gang Kober Street, Petojo Selatan Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta were arguing with firefighters who continued to try to extinguish the fire.
Residents were upset because the water supply from the fire tank car quickly ran out and the lack of readiness for water supply. Meanwhile, the flames continued to grow because of the strong winds in the area.
"Short water supply, all water is lacking. The fire continues to grow. The cause is not knowing," said Dimas, one of the local residents to reporters, Wednesday, August 23, evening.