Police Constraints Act Online Gambling, One Of Them Is Server Gaming Abroad
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police continues to eradicate and take action against online gambling practices. However, it is undeniable that in the process there were obstacles encountered, one of which was the existence of gambling servers abroad.
"Indeed, there are also many obstacles when we carry out investigations and demolition of this case in order to prevent it, it turns out that many of these servers are abroad," said Head of the Investigation Supervisory Bureau (Karowassidik) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Iwan Kurniawan in the dialogue 'Resisting Digital-Based Financial Crimes' on FMB9ID YouTube, quoted Wednesday, August 23.
With the existence of online gambling servers outside Indonesia, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police cooperates with other countries. To be precise, the country is used as the location for the online gambling server.
However, the number of cooperation that has been established is in vain. Because, there are different rules regarding gambling.
"Sometimes even when we work together with other countries there are also rules that are different as I said earlier, for us in our country it is a crime. But there are also in some countries that are not illegal, making it a bit difficult," he explained.
Although there are many obstacles faced, it is emphasized that the National Police will continue to eradicate gambling practices, both online and conventional.
"But in principle we are still concerned about taking action against gambling cases," he said.