Healthy Body Makes Life Happier, Really?

JAKARTA - Having a healthy body and a happy life is the perfect achievement for many people. Are these two aspects, health and happiness, closely related? Or if you have one, can you influence the others.

Reported by Healthy Magazine, Tuesday, February 2, happiness can only be felt when the body is in good health. Based on rational calculations, this is indeed true. That only the body that feels no pain can feel happiness.

Medical research suggests that people tend to inherit family ailments. For example, when a grandmother has diabetes, her grandchildren are genetically more likely to have the same disease. In the end, it is the choice of each person to choose a healthy life and reduce the risk of hereditary diseases.

The same is true of the way of living a kabahgia. Since happiness resides in physical life, including aspects of the body, the complexity of physical well-being is very important.

Being in a healthy condition gives a person the opportunity to enjoy a more dynamic lifestyle. For example, exercise can generate happiness because in the process of releasing energy the body produces the hormones serotonin and melatonin.

Once explained biologically, the rest of the people can generate happiness by dancing, climbing mountains, or surfing the beach.

A healthy body also gives someone the opportunity to work and look for the best opportunities for the financial aspect. Money does not directly affect health and happiness.

However, a healthy lifestyle and a happy lifestyle may not require financial adequacy.

For a healthy and happy life, Errol A. and Marjoria G. Gibbs who work at the Optimum Happiness Index recommend ten habits. Here's the list:

- Routinely carry out physical health checks every year.

- Balancing work and personal life.

- Avoid stress.

- Know how to manage stress.

- Have people to consult and talk to for mental and spiritual stability.

- Exercise regularly.

- Running a healthy diet.

- Knowing the disease tendency based on genetic lineage.

- Try to get enough rest, exercise, and relaxation.

- Eat food from the land, sea and trees.

Ignoring the above habits and plunging into an unbalanced modern life makes a person unhealthy and happy. The opposite is also the case, many studies have found that the level of happiness has a big effect on the health of the body.