Alert! These Are The Three Main Threats For Children In Online Spaces

JAKARTA - The massive use of the internet around the world, including Indonesia, cannot be denied. However, at the same time, many online threats also follow.

Moreover, this online threat targets children. Therefore, Kaspersky reminded parents in Indonesia to be aware of the dangers online at school age, because children who use the internet can be very vulnerable to them.

In a post on Kaspersky's latest blog, Lance Spitzner of the SANS Institute summarizes that there are at least three major threats for children growing up in today's digital era, namely:

Furthermore, Kaspersky's report also reveals that Generation Z or those between the ages of 11 and 26 are oversharing groups, they have knowledge of online security but are most vulnerable to fraud.

The cybersecurity company noted that at least 55 percent of those surveyed claimed to have entered their personal information on social media channels such as names, date of birth, and location.

Among these, the majority of people or as many as 72 percent of them were unable to identify phishing scams, and another 26 percent claimed to have been victims of phishing scams.

From a security point of view, it doesn't matter whether you are 6 or 56 years old. We are now living in a world where digital traces continue to grow day by day," said Yeo Siang Tiong, General Manager for Southeast Asia at Kaspersky in a statement.

Yeo added, if at this point, adults still continue to fall into cybercriminals' traps, it is unlikely to expect children to know what to avoid online.

"So protecting them must be our top priority as parents," he concluded.