Police Examine 60 Witnesses In The Corruption Case Of Zikir Land In Banda Aceh

BANDA ACEH - Satreskrim Polresta Banda Aceh examined as many as 60 witnesses related to the alleged corruption in the land procurement case for Zikr Nurul Arafah Islamic Center Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh, from elements of the city government to gampong.

"There are around 60 witnesses that we have examined, including from the local gampong," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol Fadillah Aditya Pratama, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 18.

In this case, the Banda Aceh Police named three suspects, namely the former Keuchik and former Head of the Ulee Lheue Gampong Government, as well as the Head of PUPR Banda Aceh, M Yasir.

After conducting an examination and investigation, the files for the two suspects from gampong have been completed and will be submitted to the public prosecutor (JPU).

Meanwhile, the Head of PUPR Banda Aceh is still in preparation or preparation of the files because the files for the city government officials are different from the other two suspects.

"The witness examination has been carried out, now we are coordinating with the prosecutor, we are preparing to prepare the file," he said

The three suspects are still being held at the Banda Aceh Police Headquarters because the investigation is still ongoing. Meanwhile, there are no other suspects from the investigation.

"Still being detained at the police station. For other suspects, they have not headed anywhere," said Fadillah.

The land acquisition for Zikr Nurul Arafah Islamic Center in Ulee Lheu Village, Banda Aceh is sourced from APBK funds for the 2018 and 2019 Fiscal Years through the PUPR Office of Banda Aceh City amounting to Rp3.37 billion.

Then, based on the results of the Aceh Representative BPKP Audit, this case has caused state financial losses of more than Rp1 billion from three parcels of land belonging to Gampong Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh.