Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Sections 2 And 3 Are Speeded To Operate In 2024

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) targets the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Sections 2 and 3 to operate in 2024.

"Currently, special Section 2 along 24.17 km connecting Rangkasbitung-Cileles until early August 2023 the progress reached 52.45 percent," said Head of BPJT Miftachul Munir in his official statement, quoted Tuesday, August 15.

Munir said, for Sections 1 and 2 it became a portion of the Toll Road Business Entity (BIJT) PT Wijaya Karya Serang Panimbang.

"Furthermore, Section 3 along 33 km became the government's portion by connecting Cileles-Panimbang, the construction progress reached 13.84 percent," he said.

The construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Sections 2 and 3 from Rangkasbitung to Panimbang continues to be accelerated by the Ministry of PUPR together with Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) and is targeted to operate in 2024.

The toll roads in Banten Province will further encourage the improvement of the economy of the people in the Banten area, especially through the industrial and tourism sectors.

As one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN), the construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road infrastructure has a total length of 83.67 km.

The infrastructure development of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road is carried out through a Government and Business Entity Cooperation (KPBU) scheme with a total investment value of IDR 8.58 trillion.

Later, the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road will cross several districts in Banten Province, such as Serang, Lebak, and Pandeglang and connect with the Jakarta-Merak toll road.

In addition, this toll road will support access to the Banten tourism area and its surroundings, such as the Tanjung Lesung National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) and Ujung Kulon National Park.