8 Ways To Increase Metabolism That Helps Lose Weight
YOGYAKARTA Metabolism is the key to maintaining weight. If you have a good metabolism, at least you can keep your weight stable. Well, if the metabolism increases, it helps the body burn more calories. Please note, metabolism slows down gradually after the age of 40. Even so, you can seek to increase metabolism in the following way.
The body constantly burns calories, even when you don't do anything. This is called a rest metabolism which turns out to be much higher in burning calories in people with more muscle. Each muscle pound uses about 6 calories a day just to support itself. While each fat pound only burns 2 calories every day. So, by forming muscles, you can increase your average daily metabolism.
Aerobic exercise may not form a big muscle but can increase metabolism a few hours after exercise. The key is to encourage yourself to increase the level of regular exercise. At first you can take moderate intensity exercise. But the intensity needs to always be added along with a larger rate of rest metabolism. To get the benefits, try more intense classes in the gym or include a brief jogging during regular walking.
If you have mild dehydration, your metabolism may spread. In a study on adults who drink eight glasses or more in a day, their bodies burn more calories than those who only drink four glasses. In order to stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or drink without other sweeteners before eating or snacking. Choose healthy snacks that contain a lot of water, such as fresh fruit.
It's called a smart snack because it considers the type of snack, meal time, and portion. It's important to understand, eating in smaller portions and often helping you lose weight. When you eat big for hours, your metabolism slows down between meals. Eating small or snack time every 3 to 4 hours makes your metabolism increase, so you burn more calories throughout the day.
Hot foods have natural chemicals that can increase your metabolism. Launching WebMD, Sunday, August 13, can increase the metabolic rate by cooking food using red chilies or cut green chilies. The effect may be temporary, but if you often eat spicy foods, the benefits can increase.
The body burns more calories to digest protein instead of consuming carbohydrates and fats. As part of a balanced diet, cut some portions of carbo and fatty foods and replace them with protein-rich foods. Good protein sources you put in your daily menu, including fatless beef, turkey, fish, white chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.
If you are a coffee warrant, then you can enjoy the good effects, namely energy and concentration. If you drink moderately, coffee is useful for the short term, namely increasing metabolism. Caffeine can help you feel tired and increase your immune system during exercise.
Drinking green tea or oolong tea offers a combined benefit between caffeine and katekin. Katekin is a substance that has been shown to increase metabolism for several hours. This is evidenced in the study that drinking 2-4 cups of tea can encourage the body to burn 17 percent more calories during exercise with moderate intensity in a short period of time.
In addition to eight ways to increase metabolism that helps lose the weight of the storm above, it is not recommended for a strict diet. Because a strict diet is feared to cut healthy nutrients that are actually beneficial for the body's metabolism and burn less calories so that weight is faster than before a strict diet.