Head Of Bappenas Hadi Tjahjanto: Ease Of Location Permits Able To Withdraw Investment Investors In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto revealed that the ease of location permits or suitability of Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPR) can attract investors to come to invest in Indonesia.

"Investors will come to Indonesia if they ask for permission from the location or KKPR, it will be made easier," Hadi said in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 10.

He added that the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo said at every opportunity that the government must provide'red carpets' to investors in the form of ease of investing by facilitating regulations.

Hadi also explained the connection between the KKPR and efforts to accelerate the completion of the Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR) in the regions.

"KKPR can be issued if there is RDTR. We have a target for RDTR throughout Indonesia as many as 2,000 and those that have been connected to the Online Single Submission (OSS) system there are 183 RDTR. Imagine, of the 2,000 targets that are to be achieved, only 183 RDTR are integrated and 357 district/city RDTRs have been designated as regional regulations or regional regulations," he said.

To note, there is an adjustment to the number of locations that will be prepared by the RDTR thanks to the 2023 State General Treasurer Budget (ABT BA BUN).

From the initial proposed 120 locations, to 82 locations in 69 regencies/cities based on the approval of the Ministry of Finance, with a total additional budget of Rp130.4 billion for the preparation of 77 Regency/City RDTR and 5 RDTR for the State Border Area (KPN).

"However, we have completed 2,000 RDTR targets in stages, today we add 82 RDTR, 77 for Regency/City and 5 for border areas," said Hadi.

Hadi Tjahjanto targets 82 RDTRs to be completed in approximately three months. He assessed that cooperation between ministries/agencies is important to accelerate the completion of RDTR as well as assistance and supervision from third parties, in this case, the Planning Expert Association.

"Thank you to all district/city regional heads, ministries/agencies, and related agencies who have contributed to the achievement of accelerating the completion of RDTR in Indonesia. We need synergy and collaboration, as well as cooperation that has been established so that it can be maintained, improved," he said.