Alleged Corruption Of The 2018 Earthquake-Resilient House Project In West Sumbawa Loses Rp280 Million To The State

NTT - West Sumbawa Police received a state loss report of Rp280 million from the Inspectorate's calculation in the alleged corruption case of the 2018 earthquake-resistant house rehabilitation project in Labuhan Lalar Village.

"Yes, we received the results of the special investigation from the inspectorate," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the West Sumbawa Police, Iptu Abisatya Darma Wiryatmaja, contacted from Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Wednesday, August 9, confiscated by Antara.

Based on the findings of state losses, investigators followed up by compiling data that would be a condition for submitting requests for calculating state financial losses (PKKN) to the Inspectorate.

"So, we have prepared follow-up to the results of this special matter for the material for submitting PKKN requests to the inspectorate. Now it is still in process," he said.

In an effort to complete data on the need to submit a request for PKKN, Darma said that there is one document that must be listed, namely bank bank bank statements related to the return of money from the community group (pokmas) implementing the earthquake-resistant housing rehabilitation project in Labuhan Lalar Village.

"The refund of the money goes to the BPBD account. That's what we are waiting for and then we will hand it over to the Inspectorate," he said.

The Pokmas in Labuhan Lalar Village is responsible for the implementation of the rehabilitation project for 80 earthquake-resistant housing units.

In the implementation activities, there were several units of development that were not realized. This happened allegedly because the head of the pokmas fled with hundreds of millions of aid money.

Dalam rangkaian penanganan, pihak kepolisian telah melakukan pendataan kekurangan pekerjaan. Nominal kekurangan mencapai Rp300 juta sesuai hasil audit rutin inspectorat.

Regarding these findings, the police had previously given the pokmas the opportunity to recover state losses. However, because there was no good faith from the pokmas, the West Sumbawa Police continued this issue to the legal realm.