Police-TNI Guarantee The Security Of Teachers Of SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong Who Are Traumatized After The Thugs' Action Of Parents

REJANG LEBONG - Rejang Lebong Police, Bengkulu, gave security guarantees to teachers at SMA Negeri 7 Rejang Lebong after the abuse of teachers at the school on August 1, 2023.Teaching and learning activities at the school must resume after one week off."We will guarantee legal support and provide a sense of security for teachers so that the teaching and learning process can run well and smoothly. Teachers should not hesitate in carrying out teaching and learning activities," said Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Juda Trisno Tampubolon during a visit to school quoted from Antara, Monday, August 7th.The police chief was accompanied by Dandim 0409/Rejang Lebong Lt. Col. Inf. Moch Renaldy Herbowo and Kajari Rejang Lebong Francisco Tarigan during the visit.Their arrival at SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong, which is located on Jalan Lintas Curup-Lubuklinggau, precisely in Simpang Beliti Village, Binduriang District, in addition to staying in touch with school teachers, also provides encouragement and moral support.On that occasion, he also gave the phone number Lapor Pak Kapolres which if there was an incident or criminal action information to be reported as soon as possible.Meanwhile, Dandim 0409/Rejang Lebong Lt. Col. Inf. Moch Renaldy Herbowo added that their arrival at SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong was to provide support to teachers so that they could continue to carry out their duties of providing knowledge to children in the region."Our presence here is to provide a sense of security and comfort and support teachers in carrying out teaching and learning activities can run properly," he emphasized.Kajari Rejang Lebong Francisco Tarigan asked the principal to hold a joint rally which will be held on Tuesday to coordinate with the teachers so that a conducive situation will be created between teachers and students."We, from the Rejang Lebong District Attorney's Office, will make a plan to conduct legal socialization at SMA Negeri 7 Rejang Lebong," he explained.Meanwhile, the Head of SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong, Tuharlan Efendi, stated that the teachers of SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong are currently traumatized after an incident of abuse that caused damage to the eyes. "I have informed the teachers that tomorrow (Tuesday, 8/8) children are asked to come to carry out teaching and learning activities as usual.Previously, the case of the persecution of sports teacher SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong, which is located on Jalan Lintas Curup-Lubuklinggau, was precisely in Simpang Beliti Village, Binduriang District on Tuesday, August 1 at around 09.30 WIB.This incident began when the victim found students smoking in the school environment during active study hours. The victim then took action against the student who smoked and then the student returned home and called his parents.
The student's parents with the initials AJ came to SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong with a knife and a catapult immediately entered the school and looked for victims.After meeting, he immediately directed the catapult so that it hit the right eye. Seeing the victim bleeding, the perpetrator immediately fled.