Walhi Asks Police To Snatch Mangrove Forest Logging Companies In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) has asked the National Police to take action against companies involved in mangrove forest logging (bakau) in several parts of Indonesia. This is because the mangrove wood was made charcoal and exported abroad.

"So what should also be subject to criminal sanctions is people and even corporations who receive the benefits of these evil practices," said Walhi Uli Arta Siagian Forest Campaign and Gardens Manager to reporters, Monday, August 7.

According to Uli, the case of illegal logging of mangrove forests must be eradicated to the greatest beneficiaries. The actions taken by the National Police and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) must not stop at individuals caught committing logging.

"In our opinion, it is also important then to check further who is the beneficiary of all the sales chains because he cannot possibly stand alone, so if someone commits a logging and continues to sell exporting, this does not stand alone," he said.

"This is the same as a case of illegal mining or illegal gold mining, even though residents who carry out gold mining but behind them there are beking companies that then provide equipment, this also needs to be checked in the mangrove case," continued Uli.

On the other hand, said Uli, the government and law enforcement officials need to carry out tighter protection and monitoring in mangrove forest areas. For example, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is said to be able to increase some monitoring activities to secure mangrove areas.

"It could be a good effective way by working together with the community to protect mangroves," he said.

Meanwhile, the North Sumatra Police arrested two perpetrators of mangrove forest protesters with the initials SP and JL in Lubuk Kertang Village, Beran District and Langkat Regency, North Sumatra.

"This action is the commitment of the North Sumatra Police to protect the environment and society. The increasingly massive destruction can harm residents and damage the forest ecosystem," said North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Setya Imam Effendi.

In addition, the Lampung Regional Police also arrested a perpetrator who was destroying mangrove forests in the Bandarlampung City Coastal area.

Kasubdit IV Tipidter Ditreskrimsus Polda Lampung AKBP Yusriandi, said the suspect was logging mangrove forests to make shrimp farming. The arrests began with the Walhi Lampung report.

"Until now, the process of investigating the case file is in the research stage of the Lampung High Prosecutor's Office (phase I)," he said.