Looking For New Talents Of Indonesian Esports, Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy Will There Be Season 2?

JAKARTA - After successfully debuting for the Galaxy Gaming Academy, Samsung Indonesia and KINCIR have plans to continue their esports academy programs in the future.

The Galaxy Gaming Academy is a new talent search event to provide opportunities for casual players to enter the professional esports industry Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Bang (MLBB) in Indonesia.

"Hopefully for Indonesian esports, we want to continue the Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy, because we want to find new talents in the world of Indonesian esports. It feels amazing to help casual players who want to become pro players," said Andi Airin as Head of MX Marketing, Samsung Electronics Indonesia after the Samsung Galaxy Gaming Academy grand final on Saturday, August 5.

In addition, Rangga Danu as CEO of KEYIR also admitted that the continuation of the Galaxy Gaming Academy is still in the early stages of discussion and evaluation.

Rangga also said that currently both parties are still focused on games that have the greatest interest in society, namely MLBB, and will continue to explore other games if this program continues.

"With Samsung, we've talked about it. If it's a game problem, we're still exploring what games are for the long term. Because we want this team to be the team of the future. We'll evaluate this season, so just wait, hopefully as soon as possible," said Rangga.

Airin also responded to Rangga's statement. He said that currently Samsung is still focused on MLBB games.

The reason is, there are still many MLBB casual players who want to start serious about entering the professional world of esports.

"We still see what interest it is. Because if we are interested, we see that MLBB's interest is still very high. For other gaming, there may be, only now we are focusing on games with the highest interest," said Airin.