In Addition To Migration To Subsidized LPG, This Is The Cause Of Declining Non-Subsidized Elpiji Consumption
JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas (Migas) Tutuka Ariadji revealed that there was a downward trend in consumption of non-subsidized LPG gas by 10 percent this year.
Tutuka explained that this decline did not only occur because people chose to switch to using subsidized LPG, but also because of the behavior of individuals who mixed LPG.
"Faktanya ada beberapa oplosan. Untuk itu pemerintah sedang benar-benar mengawasi hal ini dan beberapa solusi sedang coba dilakukan," ujar Tutuka yang dikutip Sabtu 5 Agustus.
The first solution carried out by the government, explained Tutuka, includes monitoring so that PSOs that have affordable prices can be enjoyed by the people who are entitled. The government also asked Pertamina for help to carry out supervision in the field and ensure that those who receive subsidized LPGs are really right on target.
Tutuka also explained that his party continues to encourage Pertamina to collect data or match LPG Tube 3 Kg user data as an initial stage.
The data collection of consumers using 3 kg LPG cylinders is a follow-up to the Financial Note for Fiscal Year 2023 which mandates the Government to transform LPG subsidies
Tube 3 Kg is based on target recipients and is integrated with social protection programs in stages by considering economic recovery and people's purchasing power.
"Indeed, there are still around 6.7 million transactions and we will continue to encourage Pertamina to complete this registration this year and we, the government, are trying so that those who have been registered will carry out policies next year," said Tutuka.
Tutuka said the 3 kg LPG user data collection activity in Sub-Distributors or Pangkalan had started since March 1, 2023 in 411 Regencies/Cities. Data collection is carried out by the Government through Pertamina by recording user data into a website-based system (mechant apps).
At this data collection stage, Tutuka emphasized that there is no limitation on the number of purchases of 3 Kg Tube LPG. For initial data collection, consumers at Pangkalan only need to show their ID card and/or Family Card to record in the system. After the consumer data is recorded, the user only needs to show an ID card for the next purchase.