Chronology Of The Guardian Of High School Teacher Persecution In Rejang Lebong, Not Accepting His Son Being Reprimanded For Smoking

REJANG LEBONG - A high school teacher in Rejang Lebong Regency became a victim of abuse by parents of students. The persecution occurred because the teacher reprimanded the student who smoked. The victim suffered injuries to the eye after being pinned by the perpetrator who did not accept his child was punished. Violence in the school environment occurred in Rejang Lebong. The victim is a teacher at SMA Negeri 7 Rejang Lebong, Binduriang District. The perpetrator is a student's parents. Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Juda Trisno Tampubolon revealed that the persecution was experienced by Zaharman (58 Years) a sports teacher at SMA Negeri 7 Rejang Lebong. Perpetrator on behalf of Arpanjaya (45), a resident of Simpang Beliti Village, Binduriang District, who was none other than one of the parents of the student. The victim's own abuse began when the victim caught a student smoking in the school environment. The victim allegedly punished the student by kicking him.

Feeling that he did not accept the student immediately reported the victim's actions to his parents. Not long after, the victim was visited by the perpetrator who was carrying a sharp weapon and a catapult. Police are still investigating the case, as well as hunting for the suspected perpetrator who immediately fled after the incident.