MUI Supports Bobby Nasution Asks Legal Officials To Take Firm Action On Robbery In Medan

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Medan City, North Sumatra, supports Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution who asks law enforcement officials to take firm action against sadistic robbers in this area.

"We support the guardian asking the police to take firm action against motorcycle gangs and robbers, because their actions are very disturbing to the public," said Medan City MUI chairman Hasan Matsum as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.

Not only disturbing the public, he continued, but the actions of the perpetrators of violence and street crimes are also very dangerous for the people who are victims.

Not a few residents in the capital city of North Sumatra province who were victims of robbery had to lose property, such as motorbikes and even lives.

It was recorded that a student from the University of Muhammadiyah, North Sumatra (UMSU) named Insanul Anshori Hasibuan, died as a victim of a robbery gang stabbing in Medan, Wednesday (14/6) in the morning.

MUI meminta Polrestabes Medan maupun Polres Pelabuhan Belawan agar lebih intensif menggelar patroli, terutama di kawasan rawan tindak kekerasan maupun kriminal jalanan.

"Because their existence (begal, red) is quite disturbing and endangers the community," said Hasan.

The Medan Police Satreskrim previously shot dead a sadistic robber named Bima Bastian alias Jarot when he was secured in the Sunggal area, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra in the early hours of Sunday (9/7).

Medan Police Chief Kombes Valentino Alfa Tatareda explained that apart from the perpetrators of the robbery, Jarot was also a recidivist in the theft of motorized vehicles and narcotics in 2019.

"The perpetrator Jarot was proven to have committed a crime of raiding a salon on Jalan Flamboyan and on Jalan Dr. Mansyur some time ago," he said.

Valentino said that from the results of the investigation carried out by the Medan Police Satreskrim, there were a total of eight criminal reports committed by the perpetrators.

In every action, he explained, this perpetrator used an airsoft gun type pistol.

"When the officers were about to be arrested, the perpetrator resisted and tried to injure the officers until they were finally given measured decisive action until they died," he said.

From the hands of the perpetrators, evidence of the airsoft gun was also confiscated which was used to commit crimes against people in the city of Medan.

"Strict action is measured as a form of commitment from the Medan Polrestabes and the ranks of eradicating the robbers. Currently, the bodies of the perpetrators have been taken to Bhayangkara Hospital," said Valentino.