Sad News, Taufik Lala Dies

Actor and comedian Taufik Hidayat alias Taufik Lala is reported to have passed away to the Almighty today, Wednesday, July 26.
The sad news was confirmed by film observer Yan Widjaya. Through a tweet on his Twitter account, he reported the news of Taufik Lala's death.
RIP Topic Lala (original: Taufik Hidayat) (Jakarta 5/7/1976 - Jakarta 26/7/2023) soap opera players, comedians, ustaz," Yan Widjaya wrote on his Twitter account, Wednesday, July 26.
A similar news was also conveyed by the Instagram account of the Association of Indonesian Comedy Artists, Riau. It was reported that Taufil Lala's body was buried at his home in Ciracas, East Jakarta.
"We have passed away to Rahmatullah, our colleague TAUFIK HIDAYAT (Taufik Lala)" today. The body of the deceased is buried at the funeral home of Kavling Nabila Cibubur Indah II Ciracas, East Jakarta," wrote the Instagram account @paskiriaudigital.
Unfortunately, the exact cause of Taufik Lala's death was not explained. At the end of his statement, the account prays for the deceased to be accepted by Him.
"God willing, Bang Taufik Husnul khatimah wa ahlul jannah," wrote the PASKI Riau account.
During his career in the entertainment world in the country, Taufik Lala was known to have played a role in several television series titles, including Islam ID cards, Koki Balls and 2 Star Kuraih.
It was reported that the late Taufik Lala was buried at the Ciracas TPU.