KemenKopUKM Calls Permendag Revision Number 50/2020 In Harmonization Stage At The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KemenKopUKM) said the revision of the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 50 of 2020 related to business provisions through electronic systems in the harmonization stage at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).
"Information that there is a statement from the Minister of Trade (Zulkifli Hasan), this morning it feels like it has been completed and we are waiting for harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," said Special Staff to the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (MenkopUKM) for Creative Economic Empowerment Fiki Satari at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 26.
Fiki said, there are several crucial things about the revision of the regulation that have been mutually agreed upon regarding international cross borders or buying and selling, which are consumers and sellers of different countries, with certain price limits.
The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs itself proposes a lower selling price of 100 US dollars to enter Indonesia through a cross-border process.
According to him, many products are circulating in commercial and local electronics which can actually be produced by MSME actors, such as clothes, sandals, watches, shoes and other goods that are sold at unreasonable prices, namely the range of Rp. 100-Rp. 50,000.
"This is a local MSME policy, so it must be 100 US dollars and above that can only enter (Indonesia), that's what we agreed yesterday with the Ministry of Trade," said Fiki.
Furthermore, said Fiki, the second thing that has been agreed upon is that online marketplaces and retailers are not allowed to aggregate products except for SME products that have been proven through the Business Identification Number (NIB).
It is known, in the case on TikTok Shop, many sales came from Indonesia, but the products were imported from China. Therefore, goods sold were also offered at a very cheap price.
Therefore, Fiki said that his party is working to fix existing regulations to protect the manufacturer's SMEs.
KemenkopUKM also asked e-commerce and social commerce to promote producer SME products on the face or home page.
"We want to encourage the birth of SME producers because in fact there are indeed many sellers, this also applies to the KUR strategy, KUR as well as the Minister (Teten Masduki) always encourages SME producers, financing initiatives. We want to produce producers," he added.